Monday, February 05, 2007

Ryken is Bilingual

Ryken is finally starting to speak, a lot of babble mainly, but there are three words or sounds that are worth mentioning. The first and foremost is DADA. Second is MAMA, which he's been saying for a while - but he says it the most when food is involved, so I think he thinks mama means food. We are trying to teach him to say "more" for food - when he wants to eat, but MORE to him doesn't sound much different than MAMA. The last one that I have yet to distinctly hear, but that my ayi swears he says all the time is jiejie - the would be the Chinese word for sister! I have heard him make the j sound before, so she could be right, but I haven't caught him actually saying jiejie to his sisters. So, if he's actually saying all those words, he is truly bilingual, since MaMa is said both in Chinese and English. If we can get him to say BABA (Chinese for father) before he says anything else, then he'll really be speaking another language.

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