Tuesday, September 18, 2007

It's only been less than one year since....

our last typhoon! So, here we go again.

Typhoon heading for Shanghai

Kids school has been cancelled - Ashley for tomorrow and Liz for tomorrow and Thursday. After school activities were cancelled today for Ashley's school - was her first day of music class, so that sucks! It's been raining all day. I used a taxi to pick up Liz, made him wait, then take us both over to pick up Ashley. Due to the sure number of private drivers picking up students, there is no room for a waiting taxi at Ashley's school and it's impossible to catch a taxi because they can't get through all the private cars - so we walked home in the rain. We all got soaked but the girls had fun splashing in the pouring water. I saw some little frogs floating upside down going downstream in the water - sad.

This is an interesting way to keep tabs on the typhoon - this guy is CRAZY, but I'll be watching to see how he fares the brunt of the storm!

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