Monday, July 21, 2008

Staring at the Clouds

Being back in the States often leaves me breathless - just seeing the amazing blue of the Texas sky and the fluffy white clouds! I stare at the sky for minutes at a time, just admiring the beauty. Our backyard is also sometimes on the flight path for the airport, so we get lots of planes flying overhead. This makes endless entertainment for Ryken, who LOVES airplanes! Ashley commented today that the clouds in Texas have so many different "varieties" - fluffy ones, wispy ones, wavy ones, etc, etc. She loves them too. Nothing like living in a polluted city where you rarely see blue skies and rarely see clouds other than a grey cover all around to make you see the beauty of the unpolluted skies!

We are enjoying our stay here - not so much the heat - but at least visiting with friends and family! Anthony just arrived this weekend from Shanghai, which I desperately needed. Weeks without him makes me and the kids cranky.

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