Saturday, January 27, 2007

Memory Loss

What happens when Anthony and the ayi are both out of town? Well, I think I go crazy. I realize that with each child I have given birth to, I have lost a part of my brain. I wonder if it will ever come back – the intelligence, memory and patience I used to have – ok, maybe not patience, I don’t know that I’ve ever been a very patient person, but still, it must be the kids that have made it worse!

We needed new pots and pans – we were using ones I bought back in Taipei from IKEA – the cheapest set they had – I think I paid about 10 US for 3 pots. They were starting to flake off into our food, so it was time to buy more. After visiting IKEA three times to get new pans (the first time, I forgot that’s what I was there for – see, the memory thing – the second time, they were doing inventory and the pots and pans were blocked off with no access for customers, argh), I have already burned 2 of them! In one week. First, I put some carrots in water to make them soft for Ryken to eat – and promptly forget they were there until I smelled something funny – luckily I caught them in time and there was just a small layer of burnt stuff in the bottom. The pan was at least salvageable. But on the second pan, I was washing dishes and decided I should probably boil Ryken’s bottle tops and bottle nipples since he’s using them often now. I put the water to boil, added the bottle stuff and went to play with the kids. Ryken was a bit fussy, so I put him down for a nap and by then, the girls were playing so well together in the play room, I thought I could finally sit and read a book and relax for a few minutes. I was reading and didn’t notice a thing, until the fire alarms started going off. Smoke was rising from the kitchen – the water had boiled out, the bottle top rings had melted and there was smoke everywhere. Needless to say, Ryken woke up screaming in fright from the fire alarms and my few minutes of peace were no longer! I had just completely forgotten that I’d put them on to boil!

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