Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ryken's First Day of School!

Ryken all ready for school - at the door to garage

Ryken at school - getting toys to play with

He is such a big boy. All dressed up and ready for school with his Thomas Train backpack. He was a bit unsure about going to school and didn't want to get into the car. I convinced him by talking about the playground at school. Then, on the way to school, I had to explain that he had to go inside first and play, then his teacher would take him outside to play on the playground. He walked into school with me beside him with no problems. We changed his shoes, put his bag away and went into his classroom. He washed his hands and went to play. That's it. As he was playing, I walked out. No crying today. I hope he has fun today and is excited to go tomorrow. I just can't believe my baby is at school! I was sad while driving home without him. The girls start school tomorrow - so it's going to be an amazingly quiet day tomorrow.

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