Saturday, December 09, 2006

Ashley's Christmas List

This year, Ashley decided to write her own list - she did this on her own without any prompting. Since we are leaving next week for Australia for the holidays, she is desperately trying to get Santa her list so he knows what to leave in our Beijing house for her. We had the discussion with her that we don't have room in our suitcases for Santa to bring us gifts in Australia - so it was her idea that he would leave the presents at our house in Beijing for when we got back from our trip - Brilliant!

This morning, I was greeted with her Christmas list, here it is exactly as she wrote it:

a buol

For those of you who can't read a kindergartener's spelling it means: Dog, Gifts, Warm Clothes, Toys, A Ball, Stickers and a Stuffed Cat - I did clarify with her that a stuffed cat meant a fluffy stuffed animal made with cloth and fabric - not a real stuffed cat!

1 comment:

Shannon Kruger said...

That is awesome! Definitely a journal entry to keep for when she is grown. I love it.